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Click here to view detailed results of land conservation and park measures in 2024.
Across the country, dozens of state and local governments each year vote to raise public funds in support of land conservation. Trust For Public Land's LandVote Database is the premier source of information about these measures. The database brings together the most comprehensive history available for conservation finance measures that have been placed on the ballot.
Use the reports, accessed from the measures menu or the list at left, to explore the database. In each report, click on the columns to sort by different variables. At the bottom of each report, there are tables displaying the totals. Click graph to see a bar chart of the totals. You may also customize any existing report or create a new report. Searching for a specific measure? Use the find feature on the measures menu.
For help or advanced queries email landvote@tpl.org. For more information about the data, please see the note below.
Trust for Public Land helps states and communities raise public funds for conservation. More information on TPL's conservation finance services can be found on TPL's website.
Citing LandVote: To recognize the valuable role of LandVote, users of LandVote are asked to formally acknowledge the data source. This acknowledgment should occur as a formal citation. The citation can be formatted as follows:
Trust for Public Land, LandVote, 2025, www.landvote.org.
2005-2025 Trust for Public Land. All rights reserved.
LandVote tracks two major types of conservation ballot measures:
"Pay as you go" measures authorize sales, property, income, and other taxes to pay for conservation. When a ballot measure authorizes a new tax, LandVote counts the estimated revenue generated for the duration of the tax. When the tax is not limited to a specific term, a duration of 20 years is used. In all cases the total funds generated over the life of the measure are conservatively estimated and do not reflect likely increases in the tax base. When a ballot measure increases an existing tax, LandVote counts only the value of the added increment.
Bond measures authorize the use of bonded indebtedness (general obligation bonds) for the purpose of financing capital improvements such as land conservation. In tabulating results, LandVote counts the face value of the bonds authorized, rather than the much higher value of repaying the bonds in the future. Bonds usually extend for 20 or 30 years.
LandVote tabulates funding amount in two ways:
Total funds represent funds generated through the entire ballot measure for all purposes.
Conservation funds represent funds generated for land acquisition and protection only.
For example, suppose there is a bond measure for $60 million, of which $30 million will be used for land acquisition and protection and $30 million will be for other various capital improvements. This measure would appear in LandVote as $60 million total funds and $30 million conservation funds. Both sets of figures document and help explain the substantial voter support that exists for conservation and the voters willingness to pay for conservation.
Records for the years 1996 to present are the most comprehensive. Beginning in 1996, data on measures have been collected each year as elections occurred. Measures for the years prior to 1996 have been researched to the extent possible based on historical research collected from newspaper archives and state and local elections officials. Factors that may limit the comprehensiveness of the data for these years include the availability of historical records and the fact that conservation measures may not have been as widely reported by media outlets as they have been in recent years. TPL will continue to update and gather new data to strengthen the integrity of the LandVote database and to ensure accuracy in the study and reporting of land conservation finance efforts around the country.
Print the report as a table
Print one Measure per page ( total)
Using the form:
Print as much of the timeline as fits on a single page
Print the timeline over multiple letter-size pages in landscape orientation
When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:
If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistenciesin this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.
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When I do a search or a find, is it looking at all applications, my applications, or a specific application?
It depends on where you are and which one you select:
When you perform a SEARCH from your My Quickbase page, you are searching the Name, Description, and Manager fields of all applications. The search results list all of the applications to which you have access that fit the search criteria.
However, when you are performing a FIND on an application-specific page (for example, the Dashboard, Edit Report, or Modify Fields pages), the results include all records within that specific application that match your request and that you have permission to view.
How can I customize the dashboard page?
To edit this dashboard, click the Customize this Page button on the upper right of the screen.
You can design a single custom dashboard for all your users, or create several different dashboards; one for each type of user.
Is there an easy way to create a calendar or timeline from a table report?
Yes. If the application administrator has specified default calendar and timeline settings for an application, you can easily create a calendar or timeline from a table report just by clicking a link. Quickbase uses the default settings as a basis for creating the calendar or timeline.
To create a calendar or timeline from a table report:
Display a table report.
In the menu at the top of the report, click Other, and then click Report Table as a Calendar or Report Table as a Timeline.
Save the calendar or timeline by clicking Save this report.
Note: If calendar or timeline defaults have not been set, then Report as Calendar and Report as Timeline won't appear as options. Read how to set defaults for calendars and for timelines.
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